Notepad + +

File Info

Name of the author :Don Ho
version:8.5.4 (64 bit)
Update date:July 02, 2023
File size :4.25 MB
Conditions:Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64 / Windows 11 64
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print notepad++ 64-bit is a free source code editor and application substitute that supports a variety of languages. Its use is governed by the GPL license and works in the microsoft notepad MS windows notepad environment. For your notepad on windows PC, the tool most popular development !

Notepad plus plus is developed in C++ and uses pure Win32 API and STL, resulting in faster execution and smaller program size. It is based on the advanced Scintilla editing component. Notepad++ attempts to minimize global carbon dioxide emissions by optimizing as many procedures as possible without sacrificing usability. The PC can slow down and minimize power consumption while using less CPU power, resulting in a greener environment. Offline installer of Notepad++ 64 bit for PC.

Lots of handy features are included in the software which makes it much easier to manage large text files. Here are some examples:

  • Syntax folding and syntax highlighting
  • PCRE highlighting and folding with user-defined syntax (Perl-compatible regular expression) Find/Replace interface is fully customizable: a vertical document list, a minimalist tab with a close button, a multi-line tab, a vertical and a tab
  • Document Map
  • AutoComplete: Tips for Word Completion, Function Completion, and Parameter Completion
  • Multi-document format (tabbed interface)
  • WYSIWYG multi-view (print)
  • Zoom in and out
  • Supported multi-language environment
  • Bookmark Play and Record

Access to source code repository

On GitHub you can find the NP++ source code repository at /notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/

Your draw requests will be gratefully received. However, they are not always approved for various reasons. Here are the rules for your pull requests:

The Release Key is used to sign notepad packages and GitHub contributions, and it has the following properties:

Notepad++ is a signer.
[email protected] is their email address.
0x8D84F46E is the key ID.
14BC E436 2749 B2B5 1F8C 7122 6C42 9F1D ​​​​8D84 F46E 14BC E436 2749 B2B5 1F8C 7122 6C42 9F1D ​​​​8D84 F46E
RSA 4096 / 4096 RSA 4096 RSA 4096 RSA 4096 RSA 4096 RSA 4096
March 11, 2019
Expiration date: 2024-03-11
Get a version key and verify it

You will need a copy of our release key, which you can get from the Notepad++ GitHub page, to enable signature verification.

ECCN++ Notebook

Since Notepad++ is "Made in Worldwide" and distributed (both source code and binary) outside of the US, there should be no issues with ECCN. However, in order to comply with US law, you may need Notepad++'s ECCN number, which is: EAR99

VPAT (Visual Basic for Applications) for Notepad++

If you are in the United States, you may need the Voluntary Products Accessibility Template file for NP++.

Binary conversions

You can get the language you need from the Binary Translations page.


Notepad has the ability to add extensions – the Brancher system – since version 3.1. To learn how to install or develop a plugin, please see the Plugins HOWTO.

Plugin Admin uses a list of plugins provided by the Notepad++ community.

If you can't find what you're looking for, create your own.

Files with user-defined languages

Since some languages ​​are not supported by NP++ for various reasons, the user language definition system can help you in this situation. This method allows the user to design their own language, which includes not only syntax highlighting keywords, but also syntax folding keywords, comment keywords and operators.

The User Language Define dialog allows you to define your language. However, the language you need may already be described in this user-defined language collection by someone else.

Most Important Notepad FQS

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For more information, notepad-plus-plus from Notepad++