YouTube Apk

File Info

Name of the author :Google Inc.
Update date:February 24, 2024
File size :135.2 MB
Conditions:Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API 21)
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Find millions of videos on YouTube Apk for Android, upload your own video and follow other YouTube channels. Find and watch the video you want. Additionally, the YouTube homepage offers a number of video recommendations. The official YouTube app allows you to watch videos from the popular website.

More Information about YouTube Apk

You can access millions of videos on the official app of the famous video site YouTube. You can also subscribe to other YouTube channels and upload your own video. You can also search and view any video you want. Additionally, the YouTube homepage suggests a variety of videos based on your preferences to help you get started.

The new app design makes it easier to find new content in the app. The long playlists automatically generated by YouTube and based on a topic make it more interesting. Share a video directly from the app to social media sites like Facebook et Twitter, or email a friend. If you want to watch a video in your browser, you can immediately copy a video link from the app and paste it.

The most essential feature of this program is that you can use shortcuts to control playback. Swipe to close a video and double tap to forward or rewind a video, for example. If you are browsing other videos, your videos will continue to play in the background. It's similar to MX Media Player, but the video is streamed directly from the internet.

You don't need to sign in to use the YouTube app. If you use the app while logged in, the recommendations on the homepage will be more tailored to your preferences. You can delete or suspend your watch history if other people are using your smartphone.

If you are a video addict, you should use the site version YouTube or Creator Studio instead of this application. YouTube is the most popular and fastest growing video website. We also found that Google is constantly improving the app for content creators and channel owners. However, advertising is becoming more prevalent every day. Especially if you live in a country where the amount of money paid to the videographer for commercials is more. Even still, YouTube does not generate enough revenue for Google to make it a profitable business. Consequently, until Google discovers an alternative to ads, we should expect more obnoxious ads.