

free-cam has everything you need to make great video lessons and presentations e-Learning. Screencast Maker is a fantastic free tool for creating screencasts. You can record your full screen, a specific region of the screen, or a single window. You can easily record a voiceover with your microphone to make your video lesson more informative. You can capture sounds from your programs and apps or add music to your movie in the background. Turn on mouse click sounds and highlight your mouse pointer to emphasize crucial information and steps. Record, edit and publish screencasts with all the bells and whistles! iSpring free-cam is a fantastic video recording program for computers Windows !

Strengths and features

Improve your videos by polishing them.

To turn your draft video into a full video lesson, use audio and video editor integrated into the tool.

Instantly share videos

You can save your screencast to your desktop or post it to YouTube immediately using the Free Cam app.

Remove all non-essential portions.

You can quickly delete unnecessary video segments after recording your screen.

Get rid of background noise

If there was background noise in your voiceover, you can quickly eliminate it from the entire clip.

Improve the sound of your audio.

You can change the level, apply fade in and fade out effects, and muffle noise in certain sections of the movie.

Save video as

Your screencast will be a high definition (720p) WMV video. The film can be used in presentations, sent to colleagues and students, and shared on social media.

Upload it to YouTube.

In FreeCam, log in using your account YouTube and share your movies with just one click.

for more information, visit the official website from Free Cam.

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