

With Lighthot, you can select any region on your desktop and take a snapshot with just two clicks. The app's simple layout, lack of frills, and low weight make it easy to use. To receive a quick web link to your screenshots, upload them to the server. As soon as you take a screenshot, edit it. The Light Shot app is the fastest and most convenient way to capture a custom screenshot.

Strengths and features

A quick screenshot of a specific location

With Lighthot for Windows PC, you can select any region on your desktop and capture a screenshot of it just by pressing two buttons.

Simple to use app

The application's simple layout, excellent functionality and low weight allow you to get your work done quickly and easily.

Screenshots can be shared on the Internet.

Immediately after uploading your screenshot to the server, you will receive a short link to it.

editors with clout

You can edit screenshots in real time while taking them or later using a powerful web editor.

Image search for similar images

Look for similar photos. You can find many comparable images by selecting any image on your screen.

Miscellaneous Platform

Light Shot is available for Windows/Mac, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer et Opera.

How do I get Lightshot (a snapshot program) to work on Windows?

Installation Instructions of Lightshot (Screenshot Tool) for PC and Laptop Windows 7/ 8 /10

In this article, I will teach you how to install Lightshot (a screenshot tool) on Windows PC using an Android app player like BlueStacks, KOPlayer or NoxPlayer .

I've included a detailed step-by-step guide below, but first I'd like to give you a quick summary of how it works. All you need is an emulator to emulate an Android device on your Windows PC, then you can install apps and use them – it looks like you're playing on an Android device, but it actually works on a PC.

For more information, visit the Official website from LightShot.

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